Tlahui-Medic. No. 7, I/1999

Dr. Mario Rojas Alba
Founding president of the Mexican Institute for Traditional Medicine Tlahuilli A.C.

Translation by Natasha Bonilla

English common name: Fennel
Spanish Common name: Hinojo
Additional Common names in English: large fennel, sweet fennel, finocchio
Additional Common names
Kallawaya: Jinuchchu
Aymara and Kechua: Inuju
Catalan: Fenoll, Fonoll
Basque: Mieloi
Scientific name: Foeniculum vulgare
Family: Umbelliferae

Botanical characteristics and habitat: Easily found along roadsides, fields, wasteland, in temperate climates and at 33 to 3280 feet above sea level (10 to 1000 meters). Cultivated in different countries in the Americas. Herbaceous plant with stems of up to 6 ft. (1.5 meters); leaves are alternate, finely divided with a sheathing petiole, opposite, pale-green in color; flowers are yellow, pedunculed and grouped into umbels.

Properties: Carminative, antispasmodic, stimulant, diuretic, expectorant, galactogenous.

Uses in traditional medicine: The whole plant of Foeniculum vulgare Gaert. is used, but especially the seeds. Contains the active principle fenchone, which excites secretory functions in the organism. Fennel seeds are stimulant, stomachic, alleviate intestinal colic, carminative, galactogenous, expectorant and diuretic. Flowers are basically used as a perfume. The plant is classified as of warm and humid nature. It is identified with the zodiac signs Pisces and Aquarius.


  • Make an infusion with 1 teaspoon ripe lightly crushed seeds to 1 cup boiling water. Use as a tonic and carminative for children. Doses: Drink 1 cup up to 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Boil 10 grams of seeds in 4 cups of sweetened water and strain. Use as a tonic and as treatment for stomach weakness. Drink as a tea before each meal.
  • Make an infusion with 10 grams in 4 cups of water. Use as a tonic and carminative. Use 1 to 5 drops of oil or put 3 grams of leaves in a cup of water, boil for 30 seconds, steep, strain and drink 2 cups per day.

Constituents: Anethole, fenchone, and volatile oils. The plant and especially the seeds contain volatile oils of 2 to 6.5%, producing anethole (50 to 60%) of sugary flavor, 20% bitter fenchone, and an isomeric liquid with oil of turpentine, fixed oil, albumin, sugar, calcium oxalate and ash.

Precautions & contraindications: If taken in excessive doses, Plantago may cause serious side effects, which include cramps, hallucinations and epileptic seizures. Consult your doctor.

Mexican Ethnomedicine and Herbalist Course
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Tlahui Medic 7, 1999, desde el 25 de Agosto, 2006
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