Tlahui-Medic. No. 7, I/1999

Dr. Mario Rojas Alba
Founding president of the Mexican Institute for Traditional Medicine Tlahuilli A.C.

Translation by Natasha Bonilla

English common name: Peppermint
Spanish common name: Hierbabuena
Additional common names
Mexico: Yerbabuena, Hierbabuena de Olor, Poleo, Menta, Kak'il-xiu (Mayan)
Quebec: Menthe du Canada and Menthe a épis
Scientific name: Mentha piperita
Family: Labiatae  

Botanical characteristics and habitat: There are many plant varieties known by laypeople as "menta," "yerbabuena," or "poleo." All of them belong to the Labiatae family and the Mentha genus. The main species cultivated in the Americas are of European origin (Mentha piperita L.) or Asian origin (Mentha arvensis var. piperascens). In general, the stalks of these plants are 15 to 27 inches high (40 to 70 cm). Leaves are opposite, petiolate, and lanceolate. Leaves of Mentha piperita are serrate-toothed and very aromatic, with a moderately bitter, spicy flavor. Flowers are small, lilac, white or bluish-white in color (M. canadensis and M. rotundifolia). Mint is best cultivated in humid places. Many species may be found in the wild.

Properties: Stomachic, antispasmodic, carminative, sedative, stimulant, cholagogue, tonic, excitant, antimalarial, vermifuge, antiseptic, diaphoretic, aphrodisiac, somniferous, alleviates nausea and colic.

Uses in traditional medicine: Mentha stimulates digestion and fortifies the stomach and the nervous system. It is useful for treating colds because it promotes expectoration. Mentha reduces intestinal gas, alleviates vomiting and nausea. This plant regulates menstruation and relieves menstrual cramps. Mentha also decreases heart palpitations and soothes the nerves. The plant eliminates bad breath. It reduces nausea. In high doses mentha is an aphrodisiac. The plant also keeps flies, fleas and other insects away.

Maximino Martínez states that drinking peppermint juice (Mentha piperita L.) mixed with vinegar stops bleeding, kills intestinal worms, and stimulates sexual drive. Putting it on the forehead relieves headaches. The aroma of "Poleo" (Mentha sp), known in Nayarit, Mexico as "Rosamorada" is inhaled to treat colds. Mentha pulegium L. is a plant that originated in Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa. It is also cultivated in different parts in Mexico, where it is said to have stimulant properties. Xa-Il-Xiu (Mentha citrata Ehrh.) is cultivated in Yucatán, and it is used for stomach aches and to expel intestinal worms. There are three Mentha species in Quebec: Mentha canadensis, M. spicata and M. piperita. The species type is of little importance; they all have similar uses and characteristics, depending on the essential oil, which contains 50% menthol.

Uses in ancient times: The Assyrians and Babylonians knew the digestive properties of Mentha. The Chinese acknowledged its soothing and antispasmodic effects. The Greeks used it as an analgesic. The Romans used it to reduce intoxication. The Arabs used it to repel flies. Most indigenous people used it as a febrifuge and against digestive atony.


  • Prepare tea using 8 grams of dry leaves (or 6 fresh leaves) in one cup of water. This alleviates abdominal pain, reduces flatulence, and increases the appetite.

Constituents: The whole plant contains essential oils which contain 50-85% menthol, methyl-acetate, menthone (a ketone), jasmone, alcohol, aldehyde, tannin, resinous matter, and bitter principles. Its pharmacological denomination is Folia Menthae piperitae (mint leaves) and Oleum Menthae piperitae (essential oil of mint).

Precautions & contraindications: Nursing babies and small children cannot drink mint tea. Menthol causes various clinical manifestations of asphyxia in small children. Consult your doctor.

Mexican Ethnomedicine and Herbalist Course
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Tlahui Medic 7, 1999, desde el 25 de Agosto, 2006
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