Tlahui-Medic. No. 8, II/1999

Dr. Mario Rojas Alba
Founding president of the Mexican Institute for Traditional Medicine Tlahuilli A.C.

Some Peppermint Notes: 1936

Oleum Menthæ Piperitæ, 1936
USA. Oil of Peppermint

Cook –Lawall. Remington’s Practice of Pharmacy. USA, 1936, pp: 1035-1036. Oil of Peppermint is the volatile oil distilled with steam from the fresh overground parts of the flowering plant of Mentha piperita L., Fam. Labiatæ, rectified by steam distillation. Oil of Peppermint yields not less than 5 per cent of esters, calculated as menthyl acetate, and not less than 50 per cent of total menthol, free and as esters.

Preparaciones. Aqua Menhtæ Piperitæ; Spiritus Menhtæ Piperitæ.

Usos. Oil of Peppermint is a local anesthetic, antiseptic, and carminative. It is much used in sick stomach and also as a flavor in the dose of one and one-half minims (0.1 cc.) and as an ingredient in the official Preparaciones listed above.

Mentha Piperita
USA. Peppermint

Cook –Lawall. Remington’s Practice of Pharmacy. USA, 1936, p. 1034. Peppermint consists of the dried leaves and tops of Mentha piperita L., Fam. Labiatæ. Peppermint contains not more than 2 per cent of stems over 3 mm. in diameter , or other foreign organic matter.

Preparations. Spiritus Menthæ Piperitæ.

Uses. The properties are due to the presence of about 2 per cent of a volatile oil which contains menthol. It is largely cultivated and is a grateful aromatic stimulant. It is used in marking spirit of peppermint. The dose is one drachm (4 Gm.).

Mentha Virides
USA. Spearmint

Cook –Lawall. Remington’s Practice of Pharmacy. USA, 1936, p. 1037. Spearmint consists of the dried leaves and tops of Mentha spicata L., Fam. Labiatæ. Spearmint contains not more than 2 per cent of stems over 3 mm. in diameter , or other foreign organic matter.

Preparations. Spiritus Menhtæ Viridis.

Uses. The spearmint is the mint of culinary use in preparing mint sauce, and also the well-known mint julep. The volatile oil is the only constituent of importance in this plant; the yield is from ½ to 1 per cent. The dose of the drug is one drachm (4 Gm.).

Oleum Menhtæ Viridis
USA. Oil of Spearmint

Cook –Lawall. Remington’s Practice of Pharmacy. USA, 1936, pp: 1037-1038. Oil of Spearmint is the volatile oil distilled with steam from the fresh, overground parts of the flowering plant of Mentha spicata L. (Mentha viridis L.), Fam. Labiatæ. The German and American oils of spearmint also contain a terpene, l-limonene and l-carvone, the latter in the amount of from 35 to 66 per cent. It also contains phellandrene, dihydrocarveol acetate, and the esters of acetic, butyric, and caproic acids. The Russian oil has been found to contain from 5 to 10 per cent of carvone only, but 50 to 60 per cent of linalool, together with some cineol and l-limonene.

Preparations. Aqua Menhtæ Viridis.

Uses. It is used sometimes as a carminative in doses of one and one-half minims (0.1 cc.), and extensively as a flavor, especially in chewing gum.

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