Política y Derechos Humanos
Politique et droits de la personne
Politics and Human Rights
Tlahui-Politic No. 3, I/1997 

Detenciones, desapariciones y asesinatos de dirigentes y afiliados a la Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria
Caso COL 020697

Ginebra, 2 de junio de 1997

Breve descripción

La Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria "Fensuagro-CUT", miembro de la red, ha manifestado su grave preocupación por las detenciones, desapariciones y asesinatos de dirigentes y afiliados en todo el país. En ese contexto existe suma inquietud por la vida y seguridad de los señores Pedro NOLASCO PRESIGA, José GALVIS, Luis Eduardo LOAIZA, Saúl ALIRIO RINCÓN, Huber BALLESTEROS, Nelson REINA , José Luis GUETTE y EBERTO DÍAZ, contra quienes se han expresado graves amenazas.

Los informes recuerdan que desde el 15 de abril del presente año desapareció el Sr. Ramón Alberto OSORIO BELTRÁN y su hijo de cinco (5) años (véase caso COL 210597 ), sin que hasta ahora se tenga noticia de ellos, que el 7 de marzo 1997, en las oficinas de La Federación Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria en Bogotá, fue asesinado el Sr. Victor Julio GARZÓN (véase caso COL 210497).

Acción solicitada

Dirigirse a las autoridades de Colombia expresándoles su preocupación por tales hechos e instarlas a:

i. adoptar medidas para garantizar la vida e integridad física y psicológica de los señores Pedro NOLASCO PRESIGA, José GALVIS, Luis Eduardo LOAIZA, Saúl ALIRIO RINCÓN, Huber BALLESTEROS, Nelson REINA , José Luis GUETTE y EBERTO DÍAZ;

ii. realizar una investigación imparcial y exhaustiva sobre las amenazas contra esas personas, así como de la desaparición del Sr. Ramón Alberto OSORIO BELTRÁN y su hijo de cinco (5) años, y la muerte del Sr. Víctor Julio GARZÓN, a fin de identificar a los responsables de esos hechos, enjuiciarlos ante un tribunal civil competente e imparcial y aplicarles las sanciones civiles, penales y/o administrativas previstas por la ley;

iii. ejercer las actuaciones en su poder para hacer cesar las amenazas y hechos de violencia en contra de miembros y dirigentes de los diversos sectores y organizaciones sindicales y populares;

iv. garantizar el pleno respeto de los derechos humanos y las libertades fundamentales en ese país, conforme a las leyes nacionales y las normas internacionales.

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Respeto de la integridad física y psíquica de los señores Jhon Jairo Ocampo Franco, José Luis Marulanda Acosta y Augusto Zapata Rojas
Caso COL 260597

El Secretariado Internacional de la OMCT solicita su intervención URGENTE en relación a la siguiente situación en Colombia

Ginebra, 26 de mayo de 1997

Breve descripción

La Corporación Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCA), miembro de la red, ha manifestado su preocupación por la seguridad y la libertad del educador y dirigente sindical Licenciado Jhon Jairo OCAMPO FRANCO y las acusaciones formuladas contra él mismo, su abogado, Dr. José Luis MARULANDA ACOSTA, y el abogado, Dr. Augusto ZAPATA ROJAS

El día 22 de abril de 1997, en la ciudad de Armenia, Jhon Jairo OCAMPO FRANCO fue detenido por agentes de la Fiscalía Regional Delegada en Quindío, bajo la acusación del ideólogo del ELN (Ejército de liberación nacional).

Desde el día de la detención de OCAMPO FRANCO, el Doctor José Luis MARULANDA ACOSTA asumió su defensa legal. Luego de las diligencias indagatorias iniciales surgieron problemas con miembros de la Octava Brigada, motivadas por la oposición del abogado MARULANDA ACOSTA a que su representado fuese fotografiado junto a un supuesto material incautado y ser presentado a la prensa nacional.

Posteriormente miembros de la Octava Brigada del Ejército Nacional presentaron un informe de inteligencia militar por el que se sindica al abogado José Luis MARULANDA ACOSTA y al abogado Augusto ZAPATA ROJAS, quienes comparten oficina, como miembros activos del Estado Mayor de la célula Martha Elena Barón del ELN en el Quindío. Con lo cual se trata de hacer un acusado más del abogado MARULANDA ACOSTA, el cual fue blanco de similares imputaciones en 1995, cuando defendía un presunto miembro de las FARC, grupo al cual también se le pretendía vincular.

La Corporación Colectivo de Abogados subraya su preocupación ante esa situación. Tanto por la identificación de los abogados con las causas de sus defendidos, lo que pone en peligro el ejercicio profesional, como también por la grave amenaza que ella significa para la vida y la seguridad de los abogados, en particular MARULANDA ACOSTA y ZAPATA ROJAS.

El Secretariado Internacional nota que, de acuerdo a los informes recibidos, las imputaciones contra el abogado MARULANDA ACOSTA no parecen motivadas por otras causas que no sean el impedir la defensa de los derechos humanos de su representado.

Acción solicitada

Dirigirse a las autoridades colombianas instándolas a:

i.- garantizar en toda circunstancia el respeto de la integridad física y psíquica de los señores Jhon Jairo OCAMPO FRANCO, José Luis MARULANDA ACOSTA y Augusto ZAPATA ROJAS;

ii.- asegurar la pronta liberación del Sr. OCAMPO FRANCO en caso de hallarse detenido sin cargos judiciales válidos o, de lo contrario, que su causa sea examinada en forma imparcial por un tribunal civil competente y conforme a las reglas del debido proceso;

iii. poner término a la vinculación de los abogados defensores con las causas de sus representados, asegurando las condiciones necesarias al libre ejercicio de su actividad profesional y hacer cesar toda forma de intimidación, amenaza o acto de violencia en contra de los mismos;

iv.- velar por respeto efectivo de los derechos humanos y las libertades fundamentales, conforme a las leyes nacionales y las normas internacionales.

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Liberty of Mr Esteban Cancelado Gómez
Case COL 050597

The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Colombia

Geneva, May 5th 1997

Brief description of the situation

The organisation "Trabajar juntos por los Derechos Humanos", a member of the network, has expressed its grave concern over the safety and liberty of Mr ESTEBAN CANCELADO GOMEZ, an engineer, detained on April 16th of this year in the city of Barranquilla as he was about to enter his home.

According to the information, immediately after his detention he was put before the communication media and the Television presented him as the head of the ELN ("Ejército de Liberación Nacional"-National Liberation Army), the author of more than 250 (two hundred and fifty) attacks against the national petroleum infrastructure (blowing up oil pipes), organiser of the finances of the guerrilla fronts of Antioquia and fourth man in the hierarchy of above mentioned organisation.

Mr ESTEBAN CANCELADO GOMEZ acted as head of operations of the District Telephone undertaking of Barranquilla, where he did important work in fighting corruption, a fact recognised by the local government authorities. In view of his office, the military authorities of the II Brigade of the Army accused him of opening cybernetic space for the guerrilla as well as intercepting telephone lines of high officials in the army and the police.

Mr ESTEBAN CANCELADO GOMEZ is an outstanding human rights defender, as he has shown during more than 15 years' activity in various non governmental organisations such as the National Human Rights Co-ordination, the Victims and Refugees of the Dirty War (CONADEHEGS). He was a member of the interinstitutional Human Rights commission in 1989. As part of his activities he carried out important investigations which shed light on various events such as the massacres of the Trujillo, Valle (March-April 1990), Los Uvos, Cauca (April 1991),. As a result of his investigation of the massacre of Los Uvos he became the object of unfounded accusation on the part of Col. Pablo Alfonso Briceño Lovera, commandant of the Jose Hilario Lopez Batt alion of Popayan.

Reports received stress the similarity between the acts described and situations suffered by members of various organisations, particularly human rights organisations.

Action requested

Please write to the Colombian authorities urging them to:

i. Guarantee in all circumstances the respect of the physical and psychological integrity of Mr ESTEBAN CANCELADO GOMEZ and order his immediate release in the absence of judicially valid charges, or should such charges exist, bring him before a competent and impartial civil court which would rule on his situation in accordance with due process of law;

ii. Take all measures in their power to put an end to threats and acts of violence against members and leaders of various human rights bodies and sectors;

iii. Guarantee in all circumstances the full respect of human rights and fundamental liberties in the country in accordance with national laws and international standards.

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The assassination of the nurse Frieleht Varón
Case COL 120597
The International Secretariat of the OMCT requests your intervention in connection with the following situation in Colombia

Geneva, 12 May 1997

Brief description of the situation

The Latin American Commission for Human Rights and Liberties of Workers and Peoples (CLADEHLT), member of the network, has expressed its grave concern at the assassination of the nurse FRIELEHT VARON.

On May 3rd last, FRIELEHT VARON a nurse at the José Rufino de Dagua (Valle) Hospital and Section President of the National Health and Social Security Union (SINDESS) of the same locality was removed from her home by what is presumed to be paramilitary persons travelling on a motorbike who asked her to come and attend to a sick person at another location.

Two hours later she was found dead in the vicinity of the Municipality of Dagua, Valle.

Action requested

Write to the Colombian authorities expressing concern at such events and urging them to:

i. Carry out a thorough and impartial investigation into the death of FRIELEHT VARON in order to identify those responsible and impose upon them the civil, penal and/or administrative sanctions provided by law

ii. Safeguard the right of the victim's family to adequate compensation and reparation

iii. Put an end to violence and other grave violations against leaders and members of various trade unions: iv. Guarantee the full respect of human rights and fundamental liberties throughout the country in accordance with national laws and international standards.

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The assassination of Mario Calderón Villegas, Carlos Villegas Pantoja and Elsa Constanza Alvarado
Case COL 200597
The International Secretariat of OMCT requests your URGENT intervention in the following situation in Colombia

Geneva, 20th May 1997

Brief description of the situation

The International Secretariat has been informed by the Colombian Commission of Lawyers and the Popular Center of Investigation and Education (CINEP), members of the network, of the killing of Mario CALDERON VILLEGAS, Elsa Constanza ALVARADO CHACON, members of the CINEP and Carlos ALVARADO PANTOJA, father of Elsa Constanza.

In May 19that 2 a.m., five individuals dressed in black and carrying submachine guns appeared before the guards of the building where Mario CALDERON and Elsa Constanza ALVARADO were living, saying that they were members of the Public Prosecutor's Office. They made their way to the apartment and killed the two together with Carlos ALVARADO. The mother of Elsa , Elvira CHACON de ALVARADO, was also there and was gravely injured while the two.year old son of Elsa and Mario was fortunately uninjured.

Elsa Constanza ALVARADO CHACON worked for 6 years in the CINEP as social worker in the field of human rights and peace.

Mario CALDERON VILLEGAS had been a Jesuit priest, worked for more than 15 years in the CINEP and the peace programme for the Company of Jesus. He was an investigator and educator for the CINEP in the Ecology and Environment project and an advisor for the District Institute for Culture and Tourism in the locality of Sumapaz.

Some communications in the media mentioned the "death of three guerillas"from Sumapaz" referring to the assassination of the members of CINEP.

The International Secretariat stresses its particular concern over these events which it wholly condemns. It equally underlines its grave concern for the possible repetition and risk which they represent for defenders of human rights, especially the remaining members of the Popular Investigation and Education Centre.

Action requested

Write to the Colombian authorities expressing concern at the events and urging them to:

i. Guarantee the safety as well as the physical and psychological integrity of Sra. Elvira CHACON de ALVARADO and give her the medical assistance and care which her state requires until her complete recovery

ii. Carry out a thorough and impartial investigation into the assassination of Mario CALDERON VILLEGAS, Carlos ALVARADO PANTOJA and Elsa Constanza ALVARADO in order to identify those responsible and bring them to trial before an ordinary competent and impartial tribunal and impose upon them the penal, civil, and/or administrative sanctions provided by law

iii. Ensure the right of the CALDERON ALVARADO family the right to adequate compensation and reparation

iv. Put an end to every form of threat, intimidation and act of violence against defenders of human rights.

v. Ensure effective compliance with the obligations of States in relation to the respect of human rights and fundamental liberties in accordance with the Constitution, national laws and international standards.

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Kindly inform us of any action undertaken quoting the code number of this appeal in your reply.

Ben Schonveld
Projects Manager
Fax 4122 733 1051
Ph 4122 733 3140
OMCT is: l'Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture
The World Organisation Against Torture


Index. Tlahui-Politic No. 3